Different kinds of leaves available in BSNL ERP ESS login, how to apply any kind of leave in online portal and how to apply to other leaves like child care leave, maternity leave and more which are not available in BSNL ERP login, and the new leave rules linked with employee pay details….
Mainly there are 15 kinds of leaves available for BSNL employee in the organization to avail in different situations, where in some are to be granted by the employer and some or not mandatory, the leaves are not linked with any designation or pay scale of the employees, all the different kinds of leaves are same for all the executives and officers working in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and the same were credit against their HR number as per the schedule, and the same can check in ESS ERP BSNL login portal, when submit BSNL leave in employee self service portal, so let’s check all of them in detail.
Different Kinds of Leaves available for BSNL Employee
- Right to Leave
- Casual Leave (CL)
- Earned Leave (EL)
- Half Pay Leave (HPL)
- Commuted Leave (CML)
- Leave Not Due
- Extra ordinary leave (EXOL)
- Maternity Leave
- Paternity Leave
- Special Disability Leave
- Hospital Leave
- Leave Salary
- Leave Salary Advance
- Special Casual Leave
- Child Care Leave (CCL)
Let’s check all the different types of BSNL Leave rules in detail applicable for all the Non executive employees and officers working in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited on temporary or permanent basis.
Right To Leave
As per Rule 7 (1), Leave can’t be considered a thing of right.
Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right and Leave of any kind mar be refused or revoked in the interest of service by the sanctioning authority but it is not open to the authority to alter the kind of leave applied for except at the request the official as per the Rule 7 (2).
The sanctioning authority could encourage retrospectively render of one type into another at the request of worker under Rule 10. However, the govt. Servant can’t assert such commutation as of proper and should use for conversion within 30 days of expiry of their leave availed. The sanctioning authority will encourage government Servants or BSNL workers to take leave frequently, Preferably annually
BSNL Casual Leave
As per the Rule 99 & 100 P&T Manual Vol. IV
A BSNL employee is not treated as absent while on casual leave, and the employee pay details is not intermittent. Intended for short period for unexpected contingencies, it is granted for 5 days at any one time and Casual Leave can be granted for half a day also.
Sunday, Holidays, Weekly off can be either prefixed or suffixed and they are not counted as part of casual leave, if they fall within the period of casual leave, where the CL can be combined with special casual leave but not with any other leave or joining time. (Last 1/2 day CL may be combined with EL on MC.
BSNL employees casual leave is limited to a maximum of 12 days and 8 days for officers on deputation for a calendar year , and all the Casual Leave is granted proportionately or fully for those who join, cease, to be service in the middle of a calendar year at the discretion of the sanctioning authority.
Earned Leave for BSNL Employee
As per the Rule 26 and 27 of CCS (Leave Rules) 1972
The leave account of every Central Government Servant or BSNL employee shall be credited with earned leave, in advance, in two installments of 15 days each on the 1st January, and 1st July of every calendar year and such credit of Earned Leave can be carried forward up to a maximum limit of 300 days with effect from 01.07.1997.
BSNL Earned Leave Credit will be reduced by 1/10th of extraordinary leave taken and dies-non-during previous half year subject to a maximum of 15 days and Earned leave is credited at 21/2 days for each completed calendar month of service which a govt. Servant is likely to render in a half year of the calendar years to which he is appointed and such credit at 21/2 days per completed calendar month also apply to officials who retire or resign from the service.
While crediting of Earned Leve into BSNL employee account, fractions of a day shall be rounded off to the nearest day and Earned leave may be granted at a time for 180 days and also the Advance credit of 15 days of EL over and above 300 days on 1st of January or July of every calendar year is to be kept separately in leave account and adjusted first against the EL that he may take during that half year.
BSNL Half Pay Leave or HPL
As per the Rule 29
With effect from 1.1.1986, Half pay leave account will be credited in advance on 1st January and July every year at 10 days each, where in case of incomplete period of service up to 31.12.85, credit @ 5/3 days per month will be given and Fraction more than 15days will be taken as a month for this purpose and credit @ 5/3 days per calendar month up to the date of retirement or resignation and up to preceding month in case of removal / dismissal / death will be afforded.
The half pay leave to be credited every half year will be reduced by 1/18 of the period of dies-non during the previous half-year subject to a maximum of ten days and also BSNL Half pay leave may be granted on option even when earned leave is at credit and may be granted on medical certificate or on private affairs.
On submission of medical certificate, half pay leave can be commutes on full day and without MC a maximum of 180 days HPL can be commuted, during the entire service, for approved course. For BSNL temporary Servants, half pay leave may not be granted unless the sanctioning authority is satisfied that the official will return to duly on its expiry except for those who retire on invalidation.
Commuted Leave
As per the RULE 30
BSNL employee commuted leave may be granted not exceeding half the amount of pay leave due, on medical certificate. With effect from 01.11.97 A government Servant (gazetted or non gazetted) who is CGHS beneficiary and is living in an area covered by CGHS at the time of illness shall be required is produce medical/fitness certificate either from a CGHS doctor or a government hospital Medical certificate or issued by RMP of any branch should be accepted in respect of employee.
When granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the half pay leave due, and the competent authority should be satisfied about the prospective return to duty of the govt. Servant on expiry of such leave.
When a BSNL employee on commuted leave, resign or retire voluntarily without returning to duty, the commuted leave shall be treated as half pay leave and the excess leave salary recovered and also No Such recovery shall be made in case of invalidation.
Commuted leave not exceeding 60 days can be granted in continuation of maternity Ieave without medical certificate and the same Commuted leave not exceeding 60 days can be granted to female employees having only one Child without production of medical certificate, on adoption of a child aged below one year, and the Commuted leave may be granted at option, even while earned leave is at credit.
Leave Not Due
As per the Rule 31
The employees except in case of leave preparatory to retirement, leave not due can be granted to permanent or Quazi permanent employee of BSNL limited to the extent of half pay leave that one is likely to earn thereafter and It is limited to a maximum of 360 days during the entire service and it is also sanctioned on medical certificate only in case of maternity leave followed by Leave Not Due
At the time when a BSNL regular employee on Leave Not Due resigns or retires voluntarily without returning to duty, the LND shall be cancelled and the resignation/retirement takes effect from the date on which such leave has commenced and leave salary will be recovered.
If the employee in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited availing LND returns to duty and then resign/retires before earning such leave he has to refund the leave salary to the extent the leave has not been earned subsequently and the Leave salary will not be recovered on retirement by invalidation or prematurely retired under rule 48 (1) (b) of CCS (pension) rules, 1972 or F.R.560).
The Leave Not Due may be granted to temporary servants of BSNL who are suffering from tuberculosis, leprosy, cancer or mental illness for a period not exceeding 360 days during the entire service provided the official has put in a minimum of one year service and leave is supported by Medical Certificate, and a female employee having only one child, may be granted Leave Not Due without production of medical certificate on adoption of a child who is less than one year old.
BSNL Extra Ordinary Leave
EXOL is Extra Ordinary Leave defines as per the RULE 32
The official of BSNL may be granted when no other leave is admissible, or when the BSNL Servant applies specially for EXOL even when other kinds of leave is admissible, but for temporary officials, up to 3 months with/without medical certificate and up to 6 months with medical certificate in the case of officials who have put in a minimum of one year’s service.
BSNL employees EXOL may be granted up to 18 months with M.C. for T.B. , cancer, pleurisy of tubercular origin or mental illness, but allowed 24 months in case of officials who have put in 3 years of service, for prosecuting studies, in public interest, and in availing of EXOL, Two spells of EXOL, if intervened by any other kind of leave, shall be treated as one continuous spell of extraordinary leave.
BSNL Child Care Leave Rules
The Child Care Care leave is introduced in 2013, vide DPO & T OM No 1301 of Estt (L) dated 11.09.2008 and as per the subsequent clarifications issued by DPO & T BSNL Corporate Order 1 – 33/20 1 2 – PAT (BSNL) / CCL dated the 08.03.2013 and the women employees of BSNL and also for central government employees for a period of 2 years not exceeding 730 days in the career, you can check the total list of rules and eligibility to avail the BSNL Child Care leave applicable.
Circulars on Child Care Leave Rules
As per the Department of Personnel & Training Estt.(Leave) Section Letter No.13018/6/2013 EstL(L) dated 22.06.2018, which is implemented with effect from 13.06.2018, the earlier said limit of 22 years for disabled child under Child Care leave rules has been removed as per the provisions of Rule 43 C of the CCS Leave Rules 1972.
What is the minimum days to avail Child care leave?
- As per the new Child Care leave rules, an employee may not be granted for a period of less than 5 days at a time
All the BSNL leave rules are updated from time to time in leave portal, and the employees who are availing the various leave types not shown in ERP ESS portal can submit BSNL Leave application form to concerned approval authority for sanction of the same.
Suraj says
Please tell me about Special Disability Leave.
subhadra says
CCL availed first 365 days got 100% salary, remaining CCL availed for 108 days only 80% leave salary drawn, Is it correct? which rule is applicable and letter reference please